We record major funding sources but there are local community donations, fund raising, and in kind help imbedded in most of these projects all of which have considerable volunteer Director input and in many cases actual on the ground volunteer effort by the community.
Tarbert & Skipness Community Trust offers support to Team Tarbert during Covid-19 by accessing over £30,000 to support families and elderly people experiencing hardship. The Trust helped Tarbert Academy by supplying 20 laptops and Chrome Books to prevent students experiencing digital disadvantage.
Community Benefit grants to local organisations reaches more than £100,000 over the past 4 years.
2019 Trust gets a 2-year lease on the former Visit Scotland premises and sets to work on a project to tell the local history of the area.
Scottish Government grant application to Strengthening and Investing in Communities is successful and the Trust has development worker and administration support for three years.
Scottish Government grant application to Strengthening and Investing in Communities is successful and the Trust has development worker and administration support for three years.
TSCT Community Benefit Advisory Group formed to assess and make decisions on grant applications for Community Benefit.
Sron Doire wind farm starts producing electricity and will provide a small community income in the first few years, rising as we pay back our initial loan of £170k.
New play park established at Harbour side in co operation with Tarbert Harbour Authority and the Community Council. Cost of £35K assisted by Post Code Lottery.
Community benefit contract established for Freasdail Wind farm which will bring some£22k funding per annum for 20 years which together with Srondoire income will fund Trust operating overheads and a small grants program being offered by the Trust.
Investment of £170K secured in Srondoire Wind Farm which will bring a community income for 20 years.
Tarbert Castle transferred to Tarbert Castle Trust to protect community interest as TSCT embarking on investment in wind turbines.
Tarbert Castle Community Woodland project commenced with £15K assistance from Awards for All , FCS, Woodland Trust, NHS wellbeing fund, the Co operative Community grants and Argyll and Bute Council Third Sector grants . 2/3 year project with planting commencing 2013 autumn with school children to celebrate National Tree Week. Considerable volunteer commitment involved.
Provided mandatory work placement facility for Argyll and Bute Employability/ benefits department. We have done this twice before under different government schemes including a 6 month placement.
Interpretation panels and Archaeological research design at Tarbert Castle and less able access report completed £25K HLF and Historic Scotland funding. Working with Archaeology Scotland and Kilmartin Museum with considerable volunteer input.
HMIE made first community education inspection and Trust played major part village receiving glowing report due to volunteer activities, community plan etc.
Local Food Project and Entire Kintyre Orchard follow on to Big Green Tarbert –£160K funding for from Climate Challenge fund and Awards for All. Involved 3 other Kintyre area groups and Swedish group. We have provided part time employment for several people during this project.
Worked with THA to create outdoor gym. Trust obtained £10K grant from Post Code Lottery as contribution to £15K cost
Worked with THA on village centre upgrade THA spent £10K of £1M Scottish government grant on Castle access steps.
Spinning group formed using wool from Castle sheep now meeting regularly with some 20 members £1.5K funding A & B /NHS wellbeing.
Big Green Tarbert carbon reduction program with £160K Scottish Government Climate Challenge funding. We provided employment for several individuals during this project.
Wind turbine development Study commenced for our own on FCS ground funded by CES £50K. This included a successful community ballot providing mandate to proceed. By 2013 poor results from met mast data brought project to an end. In line with Community Plan negotiations commenced with Srondoire wind farm for community share in project.
Community Plan commissioned by working group TSCT/THA/TSCC with £12K funding from the Leader program and Awards for All. Plan published 2010 now basis of most funding applications.